Global Markets Access
If you are located in Europe and you are selling your products in North America, South America, Australia or Asia, you know how hard it is to find out what regulations you must meet and how to comply with them.
Having over a quarter century experience in the standards and conformity assessment business, and being Accredited as a testing laboratory and certification body in the international IECEE/CB Scheme (for products used in ordinary locations) and in the IECEx Scheme (for products used in Explosive Atmospheres), has enabled QPS to acquire a thorough knowledge of regulations and market requirements of many countries around the world, and how to test for compliance to these requirements.
In cooperation with our Network Partners, and through our recognition in the above mentioned International Schemes, QPS can help you with:
- Identify the relevant standards and regulations in your target markets.
- Understand the applicable requirements.
- Get the necessary training for your staff.
- Establish the most suitable compliance program.
- Achieve the required conformity for your products.
- Obtain the mark of other certification bodies in countries where such a mark is either required by the market, or mandated by law.